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The Work

menu of services

Price Menu in USD


1 1 Hour Energy Transformation 

session @150 usd 


Forgivness session

1 1 Hour session 150 usd


15 min Reiki 35 usd


Qi Gong

1 1 Hour Session

155 usd


Intuitive Reading

1 question @30 usd

2 questions @60 usd

3 questions@90 usd

4 questions@120 usd


Monday Meditation @ 11.11 usd

Youtube Sunday questions & meditation Free

Balance Class @ 22.22 usd

Past Life Integration @ 222usd

Corporate Coaching @ 250.usd

Energy Assessment  @ 55. usd

What it is
Energy Transformation​


​A combination of pyschic abilities, healing energies,channeling,and medical mediumship.

'Basically I asked your guides to take me to the origin of your issue.

Once I have a clear understanding, we are able to shift these issues energetically.

We make sure the shifts are real with the use of applied kinesiology

or muscle testing. We insure the teachings are stabilized through Reiki/Qi Gong."

We can clear beliefs in the cellualr, DNA, and energy bodies, as long as the soul is willing. 

1 hour 


I've had the great fortune of studying with many masters and powerful energy healers to be able to understand energy.

I have 8 certifications in Energy Healing and a passion to help people.

Over 20 years experience.



Move Forward Monday- Meditation infused with Reiki energy.

Relevant channeled information is read followed before a 45 min meditation.




Releasing old energy to align to the present moment.

Setting a new energetic path the visualation,cord cutting, and higher frequency downloads.

A magical 60 min experience focused on freeing the energy the is suppressed and aligning you to the energy waiting for you


Balance-Silent meditation infused with 5D and Christ Consciousness energies.

1 hour


Past Life Integration-Intergration of up to 10 lifetimes smoothed out and integrated. 1 1/2- 2 hours


Corporate Coaching

To understand the unique needs of your company,we need to ask the right questions.

Energy Assessment of your company- what's happening, why,and how to correct it.

1 hour.

qi gong​


​The cultivation of life force energy. Traditionally Chinese.

Energy is moved through 12 central channels through posture,moevement,and breathing.

Gae has studied Qi Gong for over 20 years with 3 Masters. 

'I use this energy help break up dense energy patterns in the body and assist in the making more solid or real the shifts we've just made.'







​A Japanese healing energy.

Palm healing or healing with the hands through which a Universal Energy is said to be transferred through the palms of the practitioner to the patient in order to encourage emotional or physical healing.

" I've been a certified Reiki practitioner since 1995.

It seems very basic to many, but what I notice with clients is that it's subtle enough to use often ,and powerful enough to shift big patterns."







Gae Thornton is the Founder and Coach of Energy Transformation TM.

By agreeing to be in these classes or sessions, you are releasing all liability.

If you are ill or have any type of sickness, please consult a medical physician.

Please your own best judgment after any consultation.

No liability is taken.


All materials are copywritten.thedopesouljourny C

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